Monday, February 28, 2011

Rep. Hintz's Idea of "Consumer Protection"

Perhaps Rep. Hintz's idea of "consumer protection" is a rubber.

It sure as hell isn't what YOU think it might be.

WKOW/27 of Madison ran a long investigative series on the WI Department of Consumer Protection and determined that in a lot of cases, the Department is useless.

Because Department officials gave them the runaround, WKOW called Rep. Hintz (D-Happy Palace) and chair of the Ass'y Consumer Protection committee.

We sent him a DVD of our November investigation about that hot-air balloon company.

"People sometimes call and complain about the number of chicken McNuggets they get at McDonald's," said Hintz, who declined our second request for an interview. He said he rejects the premise of our story.

Then we obtained e-mails he exchanged with his aides through Wisconsin's Open Records Law.

Nice, Mr. Hintz. Concerned, caring, and spot-on, Mr. Hintz. Were you pre-occupied when you responded? Thinking of the happy-spot? In need of tension release???

The emails are a lot of fun to read.

1 comment:

  1. How could you blame him if he's out buying ammo?
