Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Of COURSE Union Leadership Is Lying About Walker's Plan!

Seems that a lot of the protesters in Madistan think that they will lose seniority, be subject to fire-at-will exercises, lose all their rights....ALL of them.

Wrong. Civil Service laws protect public workers from arbitrary hire/fire decisions, protect seniority (given the usual conditions), yada yada yada. Just like EEO, come to think of it. And since there IS an EEO, there's another route for bitching and screeching if one is "unfairly" treated, right?

Anyhow, all this crap emanates from Union "leadership." There's a reason for that: Walker aimed the guns directly at union executives.

The most startling elements of his package are two: 1) that unions will have to collect their own dues--the State and locals will no longer be obligated to deduct them from paychecks and send a check to the union; and 2) every union will have to demonstrate, annually, that it represents the given bargaining unit--that is, that the union membership is a majority of that unit's workers.

Heh. All of a sudden, AFSCME/WEAC bigwigs have to justify their existence while dunning workers for their $500++/year.

I'd pay to watch that movie.


  1. Word is Walker is wobbling.

    God, I hope not!

  2. God, I hope Walker comes to his senses.

    "Civil Service laws protect public workers from arbitrary hire/fire decisions, protect seniority (given the usual conditions), yada yada yada."

    Ha, ha, ha. Get with the real world. Public school district administrators, if they want a teacher removed because he/she is a rabble rouser, they can find ways. Vindictive SOB's. Take away their high salaries and bennies FIRST.

  3. Who said he's wavering? I'd like to read that.

  4. Amy,
    JSOnline has the headline.

    "Walker says his budget bill could change in response to GOP lawmakers"

    Have a GREAT night

  5. Public school district administrators, if they want a teacher removed because he/she is a rabble rouser, they can find ways

    You get what you ask for.

  6. The not collecting dues and having to recertify are great parts! Btw - Evidently Beaver Dam FD showed up at the capitol today in full regalia. Nice use of tax payer dollars there!
