Thursday, February 17, 2011

How Good Do State Employees Have It?

The numbers here are eye-poppers if you're familiar with health-plan costs.

The proposed changes would cost the average state employee an additional $1,560 per year for family coverage, but the amount they would pay ($2,496) would still be significantly less than the $3,875 average premium contribution at large private‐sector employers in southeastern Wisconsin.

“State employees will also continue to get much more for their money than their private sector counterparts,” the study reads. “The state plan offers more benefits, lower deductibles, co-pays and out of pocket maximums than the average private sector plan.”

That ~$2500/year is one-eighth of the premium, remember, meaning that the total premium is about $20K/year.

That is one HELL of a good insurance policy.

“The state plan offers more benefits, lower deductibles, co-pays and out of pocket maximums than the average private sector plan.”

You can say that again. And again. And again.

HT: Kevin


  1. And private sector employees have let this happen to them (regarding fewer benefits) over the past 30 years.

  2. I am sick of the whining and outright lies of the public service employees and their unions. They have had a free ride for decades while the rest of us have paid the price for the State political largesse, in addition to funding our own pensions and health care.

    I paid $1300-$1500 a month for health care coverage in the private sector for years.

    Cry me a river, public employees. Welcome to the real world where people actually have to work for and earn advancement, with no guarantees!

  3. the Real world out here, we don't have "fewer" benefits. In fact, my bennies are FAR better than I had when I started working. I pay more, but I get more. And I don't need anyone to help me out. If I want better, I don't whine about it, I go find better and produce.

    Whiners, slackers and losers.

    Elections have consequences: "We won"

  4. Love the chants of "Kill the Bill"... May it work as well for them as it did for us March 21, 2010.

    Karma can be a beyotch.

  5. "We won."

    Where is that line when you stomp your feet over the health care law?

  6. "I paid $1300-$1500 a month for health care coverage in the private sector for years."

    And you got freaking taken to the cleaners paying that amount!

  7. Dad, your numbers are pretty close. The hit for state employees on insurance depends on the region of the state. Premiums are about 25% higher in the southeast area.

    As for coverage, the state for many years has essentially forced employees into HMO programs. Some are good, some not so good.
