Monday, January 24, 2011

A Better "Green" Agenda

From an article written by a co-founder of Greenpeace.

I headlined "better" agenda because, overall, what he says below is far more sensible than the worship of poverty and windmills espoused, directly or not, by Big Green.

I believe:

- We should be growing more trees and using more wood, not cutting fewer trees and using less wood as Greenpeace and its allies contend. Wood is the most important renewable material and energy resource.

- Those countries that have reserves of potential hydroelectric energy should build the dams required to deliver that energy. There is nothing wrong with creating more lakes in this world.

- Nuclear energy is essential for our future energy supply, especially if we wish to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels. It has proven to be clean safe, reliable, and cost-effective.

- Geothermal heat pumps, which too few people know about, are far more important and cost-effective than either solar panels or wind mills as a source of renewable energy. They should be required in all new buildings unless there is a good reason to use some other technology for heating, cooling, and making hot water.

- The most effective way to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels is to encourage the development of technologies that require less or no fossil fuels to operate. Electric cars, heat pumps, nuclear and hydroelectric energy, and biofuels are the answer, not cumbersome regulatory systems that stifle economic activity.

- Genetic science, including genetic engineering, will improve nutrition and end malnutrition, improve crop yields, reduce the environmental impact of farming, and make people and the environment healthier.

- Many activist campaigns designed to make us fear useful chemicals are based on misinformation and unwarranted fear.

- Aquaculture, including salmon and shrimp farming, will be one of our most important future sources of healthy food. It will also take pressure off depleted wild fish stocks and will employ millions of people productively.

- There is no cause for alarm about climate change. The climate is always changing. Some of the proposed "solutions" would be far worse than any imaginable consequence of global warming, which will likely be mostly positive. Cooling is what we should fear.

- Poverty is the worst environmental problem. Wealth and urbanization will stabilize the human population. Agriculture should be mechanized throughout the developing world. Disease and malnutrition can be largely eliminated by the application of modern technology. Health care, sanitation, literacy and electrification should be provided to everyone.

- No whale or dolphin should be killed or captured anywhere, ever. This is one of my few religious beliefs. They are the only species on earth whose brains are larger than ours and it is impossible to kill or capture them humanely.

He left Greenpeace when it became obvious that the organization had been co-opted by a bunch of Commies in the early 1980's. They 'came over' because Communism was failing and they needed a soapbox from which to continue their anti-capitalism (and anti-human) campaign.

You don't have to agree with all of his theses to understand his disappointment with Big Green. But he does have, at least, some consistency in his thoughts.

That doesn't mean that his philosophy is airtight. Defining poverty as an "ecological problem" is a category error; poverty is a problem generated by human failing, and remediable (to some extent) by recognizing its human cause and working to remedy that.

Lots more both at the AOS link and at the link to the essay.


1 comment:

  1. - Genetic science, including genetic engineering, will improve nutrition and end malnutrition, improve crop yields, reduce the environmental impact of farming, and make people and the environment healthier.

    Here, I have to disagree with him. Big Ag, such as Monsanto, used genetic science to create the Terminator Seed. It is a seed that doesn't re-produce. You are forced to continually buy seed from them. Also, if a farm uses their seed is next to yours, and cross polinization happens, Monsanto, or some other big ag player will sue, and win. It's already happened.
