Tuesday, December 28, 2010

About That Property in Florida...

Perhaps the M&I boyzzzzz should keep some of those foreclosures as an investment.

...But when so many of his forecasts seem to come true, and when he seems to be so consistently ahead of the Met Office, I feel I want to know more. Piers Corbyn believes that the last three winters could be the harbinger of a mini ice age that could be upon us by 2035, and that it could start to be colder than at any time in the last 200 years. He goes on to speculate that a genuine ice age might then settle in, since an ice age is now cyclically overdue.

That's the excerpt of particular interest, especially here in glacier-formed-land.

The rest of the story is at the link.

HT: BayRenMan


  1. Except for that pesky fact that 2010 may go down as the warmest year on record (http://bit.ly/2010-warmest-ever). But feel free to make up your own facts as you deem fit.

  2. feel free to make up your own facts as you deem fit

    The same to you and yours!!

  3. I'm not down with the hip lingo. What does "boyzzzzz" mean?

  4. Ok Jim and John, which one of the 23 climate models in the IPPC report allowed for a stabilization of ground temperatures in the last 9 years?


  5. How is "on pace" a fact? The numbers aren't even in yet...

    Pay no attention to all those snow drifts in Manhattan. Same thing happened in March 1888.

  6. David, I'm fairly certain ground temperatures have shown the same shift as ocean and atmospheric (at various layers) temperatures. Care to share the data set to which you refer? Original source preferred.

    On pace. You know. Likely. At best there's a near certainty we'll land in the top 3.

  7. In all the clamor about climate change, damage to the earth, scarcity of resources etc. etc. one element is always missing – God. While we are charged with proper care for the physical world bequeathed to us, we are mistaken if we think we can do this on our own. While we shouldn’t sit back and merely proclaim “God will provide”, neither should we feel we can “do it all” as if He didn’t exist.

    There is something of a “Tower of Babel” aspect to modern secular thinking as there was something of the “we have the technology” about the men who sought to construct a tower which would reach to Heaven. Just when we think we can control everything and God is not needed any more, we get a Katrina, a Tsunami and other awesome natural phenomena which show how little we can ‘control’ our world or our destiny.

    Yes, the ‘men of science’ will ridicule the idea that Someone other than they might actually be in charge. But that doesn’t change the reality – which ultimately all of us will be forced to accept.

  8. It's speculation until the numbers are in and massaged.
