Sunday, November 28, 2010

California's ESCR Fail

Gee. Maybe Governor Walker ain't stupid and dumb.

In 2004 Robert Klein, chairman of the California Institute of Regenerative Medicine (CIRM), helped pass Proposition 71, establishing the CIRM with a state taxpayer-funded budget for ten years. The measure was passed with promises of affordable cures for virtually all diseases, cures specifically from embryonic stem cells and cloning, as well as tremendous financial payback for the citizens of In 2004 Robert Klein, chairman of the California Institute of Regenerative Medicine (CIRM), helped pass Proposition 71, establishing the CIRM with a state taxpayer-funded $3 billionCalifornia.

He wants another $3Bn, too.


"The scientists themselves admit that any therapies from embryonic stem cells are years, and likely decades, away.

"The real success, as well as payback, is coming from adult stem cells.

Surprise, surprise!


  1. So if we can't cure some diseases for 20 years we should stop trying, I guess.

  2. Private investment? No problem!!

    Gummint taking my money to kill babies?

    That IS a problem.

  3. Well, you can vote in someone who agrees with you in 2012. This time, someone who agrees with me won, so it's not a problem for me.

  4. The whole ESCR debate is akin to the Global Warming debacle: lots of claims but few facts or demonstrable results.

  5. Better to succeed than to try.
