Wednesday, October 20, 2010

What O'Donnell ACTUALLY Said to the Bearded Commie


The initial press-reports.........ahhhh.......mis-reported O'Donnell's questions to the Bearded Commie.

...believe the Washington Post, which now reports the exchange as concluding thus:

She interrupted to say, "The First Amendment does? ... So you're telling me that the separation of church and state, the phrase 'separation of church and state,' is in the First Amendment?"

---AOSHQ, quoting the Post.

And you thought it was bad in Milwaukee?


  1. Since when do you care about accuracy in reporting??? You're well known among these circles to distort and twist stories and sell them as "truth". So, please, spare us the sanctiminous crap. Call a spade a spade regardless of political affiliation.

  2. Gee.

    I never thought of it that way.

  3. He said anonymously. They're all cowards. It's easier to speak "truth to power" that way. Of course, they won't say anything about their own guy or for that matter the support this regime shows for the oppression in Iran, among other places.

    In short, Anon....Bite Me.

  4. Deekaman--Of course, they won't say anything about their own guy.


    Doyle = Below average performance

    Pelosi/Reid = Absolutely terrible

    Obama = Too early to tell, say what you want

    Democrats = Overplayed their hand in some cases.
    I laughed when I heard some in 2008 claimed that the Republican Party was "dead".

    Your turn. Or are you, like Dad29, an ideologue?

  5. If by "ideologue" you mean that I have certain core values from which I do not waver, yes, I am. If you mean I defend my guy right or wrong, no, I'm not. And neither is Dad29.

  6. And I'll add, Bush f'd up with Medicare D and TARP among other things. he also failed to use the "Bully Pulpit" and let his critics beat him like a pinata at a 9-year-olds birthday party. Way too many Republicans do not espouse Conservative values. Even now they are talking about "working with the administration". That is unacceptable.


  7. Deek....

    Some guy reads one post, realizes that the Bearded Commie is an idiot (along with the "law" school juvenile delinquents in the audience) and decides he knows everything about this blog author.


  8. O'Donnell was right though.

  9. Deekaman--Even now they are talking about "working with the administration". That is unacceptable.

    It's called being a moderate and working within the political system to find a compromise that satisfies both groups.

    Deekaman--If you mean I defend my guy right or wrong, no, I'm not.
    And neither is Dad29.

    And I have oceanfront property to sell you in Kansas.

  10. Just wait for the "moderates" rebellion. It's coming. Both political parties ought to be wary, especially the GOP. Then the s&^% will hit the fan.

  11. Doubtful that will happen. Unless you are talking about Congressional Moderates. If they do rebel, it doesn't matter. The likes of Snowe and Collins already do. Without them, Obamacare never sees the light of day. And this isn't about Republican/Democrat. It's about Constitutional Conservatives vs Marxists/Progressives.
