Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Exceptionable Remarks From Rush? Yes!

This has hit a few blogs.

Derision of the president on his program is nothing new, but Rush Limbaugh’s tone today may have struck the ears of regular listeners as particularly disdainful, taking his contempt of the president to a new level.

The nation’s preeminent conservative talk radio host referred to Mr. Obama as a “jackass,” an “economic illiterate” and an “idiot, where capitalism is concerned.” --ABCNews quoted at Gateway.

Well. There are two immediate reactions.

1) Rush is an exceptionally kind individual, as more accurate characterizations of Obama cannot be used over the airwaves.

2) Rush is contradicting himself, as he has often stated that Obama 'knows exactly what he is doing.'

Of the two, the second is more credible. Obama is an ideologue, committed to derailing the US economy for two reasons: the economic crisis will serve his totalitarian desires, and besides, the US is a colonialist/exploitative/rapacious country anyway.

So the remarks are 'exceptionable.' They are not consistent with Rush' prior analysis, and his prior analysis is correct. Obama is not an 'illiterate' or an 'idiot.'

But he is, charitably, a jackass. Clearly, Rush is a charitable guy.


  1. "Obama is an ideologue, committed to derailing the US economy for two reasons: the economic crisis will serve his totalitarian desires, and besides, the US is a colonialist/exploitative/rapacious country anyway."

    You crack me up dadster. That made my morning.

  2. would Struppster characterize the president's policies?

    I think it's the "evil genius/complete moron" conundrum.

  3. Strupp, Daddio is right on. If you can't see that, you need to pull your head out of your ass.
