Saturday, September 18, 2010

Obama Deletes "Creator" from Preamble

If he's a con-law "scholar" with a degree from Harvard...I guess those Yalies have something to talk about.

...but over the centuries, what eventually bound us together — what made us all Americans — was not a matter of blood, it wasn’t a matter of birth. It was faith and fidelity to the shared values that we all hold so dear. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, endowed with certain inalienable rights: life and liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

So, B Hussein: WHO created them equal?

HT: Zippers


  1. Hey, Obama sees his god every day when he looks in the mirror. No surprise, being a progressive, that he'd leave that off.

  2. Wasn't I just reading a couple of days ago how a bunch of the hoi-paloi also eliminated "under God" from the Gettysburg Address?

  3. Having read the transcript of the speech, it is clear to me that he is not directly quoting the Declaration of Independence.

    "Wasn't I just reading a couple of days ago how a bunch of the hoi-paloi also eliminated "under God" from the Gettysburg Address?"

    You may be confused by the fact that no existing draft of the speech contains the phrase. However, since four reporters witnessing the speech all included the phrase in their reporting, it is likely that Lincoln added it extemporaneously in his delivery.


    (The things I learn from researching claims on these blogs!)

  4. Jim--Dad29 has a penchant for distorting history! Quite a knack for it!

  5. Thanks Jim, That was actually a balanced article. Its rare to see those. Maybe anony should read it to find that distortion of history abounds from every direction.

  6. he is not directly quoting the Declaration of Independence.

    There's not much that's clear to you, Jim, which is symptomatic of being a Lefty.

  7. "it is clear to me that he is not directly quoting the Declaration of Independence."

    How is it clear? Because he's not reading it from a teleprompter?

  8. "You may be confused by the fact that no existing draft of the speech contains the phrase."

    On the other hand, WikisSource quotes the five existing drafts in full, and three out of five contain the phrase.

  9. The last three were copies written AFTER the fact, and A.L. took into account what he actually said at Gettysburg.
