Tuesday, August 24, 2010

More Than Anti-Religion: Anti-Life!

Of course, being anti-religion and anti-life go hand in hand, philosophically.

At all hours, strangers phone Anne Nicol Gaylor's Madison home, always desperate.

The caller one recent morning was a middle-aged woman with a 14-year-old pregnant daughter.

"What clinic will she be using?" asked Gaylor, 83, jotting down the response and the cost...($875).

"If we helped with $300, do you think you could find the rest?" Gaylor asked.

After the call, Gaylor opened a checkbook for the Women's Medical Fund, a Madison nonprofit that has helped pay for abortions for 34 years. Gaylor has written every check for every abortion.

This was No. 18,986.

So when the Old Testament admonition is "Choose Life" and the NT's Leading Man said "I am...Life", Ms. Gaylor took it seriously.

HT: Badger Catholic

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