Wednesday, July 21, 2010

To Struppster

A death notice for Mr. Strupp, shafskopf expert, appeared in the JS.

If he was the father of commenter Struppster, my sympathy is extended, along with prayers for the repose of his soul.

If he was THE Struppster, it will be a loss. Strupp was/is a reasonable Lefty (rare, indeed.) And yes, my sympathy to the family and prayers will be said.


  1. Ditto. I've had some friendly go-arounds with a J. Strupp, so it doesn't sound like it's our commenter that passed away.

  2. I would add my condolences as well.

  3. Same here, my prayers and condolences.

  4. Whoaaaaa.

    I'm still kickin'. So is the rest of the immediate family.

    Thanks for the kind thoughts though.
