Saturday, March 27, 2010

Zapped By Doyle's Electric Bill

You noticed that your electric bill's gone up, eh?

On March 24, the Wisconsin Public Service Commission approved a $48.1 million rate increase that will tack another 2 percent onto the 7 percent increase that Wisconsin Energy customers saw added to their bills in January. The latest increase is related to higher natural gas prices. The previous rate increase was related to constructing wind farms.

And that's only the beginning.

Doyle and his legislative Band of Bozos want "renewable" energy to be 25% of the total energy production by 2025. Not good news:

The cost of producing one kilowatt hour of electricity from wind turbines is between 10 and 11 cents, which is more than twice as much as the cost of nuclear power at 4.5 cents per kilowatt hour. Compared to coal-fired power plants, the cost of one kilowatt hour from wind is almost twice as much as coal at 6 cents.

The Company will have to increase its 'renewable' energy by 500++% to meet The Doylet's 25% mandate. You don't have to be a math-major to figure out that you're going to get zapped and spit nickels when the bills arrive.

--Source: BizJournal


  1. I hope everyone enjoys their Wisconsin windmills and choo-choo trains, energy rates will be rising and taxes too. Then we can raise the income tax again and chase the few retirees that are still here to Florida or Texas.

  2. Rich Eggleston3/29/2010 2:47 PM

    My electric bill went down. Why? Because I used less electricity. Duh!

    Rich (no relation) Eggleston
