Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Agents Provacateurs: The (D) Congress

So to review, class: Who started the fight?

Regardless of whether you favored or opposed the health care legislation passed this week, do you think the methods the Democratic leaders in Congress used to get enough votes to pass this legislation — were [they] an abuse of power, or were [they] an appropriate use of power by the party that controls the majority in Congress?

Abuse of power 53%

Appropriate use of power 40%

No opinion 7%

58% of Independents thought it was an abuse of power.


It's not really a stretch to use the terms 'violence' and 'abuse of power' almost interchangeably. The only difference: Rahm-A-Jamming a bill through Congress is not physical violence.

Tell that to the father whose 12-year-old daughter had "consensual" sex with a 24-year-old scumbag.

Go ahead. Try.

Grim ponders a bit on the question of revolutions.


  1. "Tell that to the father whose 12-year-old daughter had 'consensual' sex with a 24-year-old scumbag."

    Whoa, DaddyZero! You're all lathered up defending the RCC which looked the other way while scumbag priests had sex with 12-year old boys. You have righteous anger (appropriately) in one case but blow off the Church's toleranvr of decades of abuse. What gives?

    Sometimes you make this too easy!

  2. Oh--I "defend" the Church in instances where it buried sex abuse?

    Please provide citations!
