Wednesday, February 03, 2010

We're Number Three!!

It certainly doesn't have anything to do with regulation and taxes.

The four-county region that includes Milwaukee and Waukesha posted the third-biggest percentage decrease in employment among the nation's 38 biggest metropolitan areas last year, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The number of people employed in non-farm labor in metro Milwaukee fell 48,200, or 5.7%, to 793,600 in the 12 months through December.

The only other areas with a steeper percentage decrease were metro Las Vegas, which fell 7.4% to 833,000; and metro Detroit, which fell 6.2% to 1.74 million.

Nope. Regulation and taxes were not a factor.

It was probably the weather, or excessive chipmunks, or maybe werewolves.


  1. What COULD they have in common? Think, dammit...think!

  2. Oh sure, blame the werewolves.

  3. HaHa, we Vegas) beat you. Oh crap, that's not a good thing, is it?
    But on the brighter side, we can expect support from the President. oh crap again, no we can't
