Wednesday, February 24, 2010

TEA Party Manifesto

I can get behind this.

We reject RINO money; we reject RINO “advice”; we reject RINO “professional experience”; we reject RINO “progressivism”; we reject RINO support of Big Government; we reject RINO back room deal making; we reject RINO pork spending; we reject false RINO professions of Conservative views and we reject the RINO’s statist subversion of the principles of small government for which the Republican Party is supposed to stand

Pretty well nails it, ain'a?

HT: HotAir


  1. I'm in. Join us.

  2. in spirit!!

    Wrong county...

  3. Boy, I wish you guys had been against all that stuff when your party was spending us out of the surplus. That would have been useful.

    Now, it just looks histrionic and oppotunistic.

  4. You trying to tell me that YOU opposed all that spending, Grumpy?

    I did. Your memory is very short.

  5. I did as well. You just weren't paying attention...How do you think your Lefty buddies got the overwhelming majority? Not because the have a better idea. Because Cons stayed home.

    You will see in November.

  6. You can always count on the teaparty folks to tell us what they're against.

  7. "...Not because the have a better idea. Because Cons stayed home.

    You will see in November."

    When what? The Teaparty folks turn out in force and vote for the same Republicans that they've been complaining about for the last few years?

    You can package and brand this "movement" anyway you want. The GOP knows who you folks are voting for come November. And it's the same gang of goofs that ran things a few years ago.

  8. Just like Marco Rubio? Is he part of the same "gang of goofs" or would Crist be a member?

    Strupp, get your head out of your ass. The TEA party is backing candidates outside the beltway. But if and when it comes down to it, sure we'll vote for the lesser-of-two-evils.

  9. "But if and when it comes down to it, sure we'll vote for the lesser-of-two-evils."

    I thought you folks just stayed home when the lesser-of-two-evils was on the ballot?

    The term "outsider" means nothing to me. It's usually political rhetoric used to get elected. There are as many idiots outside of Washington as within. Likewise, there are plenty of beltway lifers that are fine Congressmen.
