Sunday, November 29, 2009

On 2010....

Those damned elections. Why don't the Dems simply legislate their victory?

Two in five Democratic voters either consider themselves unlikely to vote [in 2010] at this point in time, or have already made the firm decision to remove themselves from the 2010 electorate pool. Indeed, Democrats were three times more likely to say that they will "definitely not vote" in 2010 than are Republicans ---Daily Kos via Trencher

That ought to change the "likely voters" formula for pollsters, no?


  1. Trencher.... hmmm.... I like it! :)

  2. I guess ACORN will have to get more govt subsidies so that they can pay a bunch of overtime to get more dead people to sign up to offset the loss.

  3. As cold reality sets in and the GOP as usual overplays their hand, which they always do, these numbers will swing. But go ahead, get comfortable.

  4. Thanks, soup nazi, I think we are quite comfortable.
