Thursday, November 26, 2009

More Apologies from O-bow-ma

You begin to wonder if, perhaps, this apology-making is genetic or something.

Consider his November 23 contention that Asian countries “want our [export] products,” and that American sales to the region are subpar “partly because we just haven't been as aggressive as we need to be.” These remarks rank among the most egregiously inaccurate, manipulative, misleading, and downright whacky statements ever to come out of any recent free trade-loving White House.

Yes, that statement was......ahhhhh.......'fact-challenged.'

If the Asians really are interested in buying U.S. exports, they have a funny way of showing it.  U.S. goods exports to Pacific Rim countries – the vast majority of total U.S. exports – were indeed up about 75.50 percent from 1998 to 2008, before plunging 24.9 percent on a year-on-year basis so far in 2009.  During the same period, however, U.S. goods exports to the world as a whole grew faster – by 84.31 percent – and their 2009 fall-off was only negligibly greater (25.0 percent).

Has nothing.....nothing.......nothing at all to do with restrictive import policies in the Far East.  Nothing.


  1. Having lived in China, my impression was that they tended to import just enough stuff to learn how to copy it. :)

  2. What do you think of this question:
