Thursday, October 22, 2009

The REAL Poll Results

No, not about Obama's drama-drop this week.

About how to jigger a poll on ObamaCare! There's a lot of very interesting information at that link which discusses use of various terms. Subtle stuff....

Progressives in the blogosphere and the halls of Congress are pushing for the so-called "public option." One of their major arguments is that the public wants it.

But does it?

Well, that depends on the question. Rasmussen uses two of them.

Would you favor or oppose the creation of a government-sponsored non-profit health insurance option that people could choose instead of a private health insurance plan?

That one gets strong approval. But when it's phrased like this:

Suppose that the creation of a government-sponsored non-profit health insurance option encouraged companies to drop private health insurance coverage for their workers. Workers would then be covered by the government option. Would you favor or oppose the creation of a government-sponsored non-profit health insurance option if it encouraged companies to drop private health insurance coverage for their workers?

THEN the respondents disapprove "public option" by 6-to-4.

HT: Ace

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