Friday, October 23, 2009

Another Reason for TEA Parties, (R) Version

Oh, yah, we're bi-partisan.

The biggest accomplishment so far of U.S. Rep. Steve Buyer's [R-IN] scholarship foundation has been to send the Indiana congressman to play golf with donors at luxury locales such as the Bahamas and Disney World.

The fundraising golf outings have raised more than $880,000 for the Frontier Foundation that Buyer founded in 2003. Almost all the contributions are from 20 companies and trade organizations that have interests before the House Energy and Commerce Committee on which Buyer serves.

As to "scholarships"? Not so much.

The foundation has yet to award its first scholarship, and it has handed out only $10,500 in charitable grants

A retirement TEA party would be in order.

By the way, on NY23, McCain echoes:

...While the Tea Party movement does strongly disagree with the freedom-strangling, wastrel policies of President Obama, their protests aren't aimed at him because most of the protesters have very clearly heard the Democratic Party's message that neither it nor the President are particularly interested in listening to them.

Instead, the protesters have been aiming their most pointed messages at the Republican Party that purports to represent them.

You heard that, Tommy Thompson (free-spending wastrel)??

1 comment:

  1. Has Rep. Buyer responded to any of this?
