Sunday, August 30, 2009

Missing Data.....

There was a rally supporting ObamaCare last night in Milwaukee.

Here's the news story.


Now that you've read it, what is missing?


Yup. An estimate of the crowd size.

"Filled a parking lot" is as close as the reporter gets. WHICH "parking lot"? The giant one across the street from Summerfest? Or the postage-stamp one just north of the grounds?

Well, the photo gallery gives you a hint: it's the little lot just across from the main gate. But the photographer seemed unable to take a wide-angle shot.......

And the photo-gallery headline says "...draws hundreds."


You mean to tell me that SEIU, UFCW, and AFSCME could only find "hundreds" to support ObamaCare?


  1. Thought I saw the number "25,000" thrown in, but I didn't read in detail.

  2. on re-reading, it was a petition with 25000 signatures.

    We had about 1000 at the tailgate TEA party yesterday (my estimate). And we didn't have to be paid to show.

  3. If you click on the picture, it's caption mentions "about 300" people attended. This was also in the hard copy.

  4. There were only about 350 bussed in to the SEIU proObamaCare rally in Raleigh as well. The much smaller Wilmington had 1000 at the Hands off my Healthcare rally. 350 came to just the monthly AFP meeting. So where is the enthusiasm again?
