Monday, July 20, 2009

Gary Sinise: Much More Than a TV Star

Much, much more....

Why is Sinise so generous to servicemen and people he's never met? He said he's grateful to all American military families. In fact, he knows what they do and what they endure because many of his family members are military veterans. Above all, he said he loves God and he's inspired by the Catholic faith.

More at the link, all of it good.

HT: Cavemen


  1. I always appreciated his talent and now more than ever.

  2. May he one day swim the Tiber...

  3. I have been very impressed with Gary and his attitude toward the troops. I actually know some of the Steppenwolf actors and had some training there. They are an intense group of people. I am not surprised to hear he has developed a deeper faith. -- Steppenwolf theatre was founded in the basement of Immaculate Conception Church in Highland Park, IL --
