Friday, May 01, 2009

JS SlamSlaps Kenosha Welfare "Manager"

This is worth savoring.

The JS discovered fraud (imagine that!!) in the child-care racket. It was discovered in Kenosha, but the racket is successful partly because the children are Racine residents.

"If someone is dishonest, there is a way they can manipulate the system," said Ron Rogers, director of the Division of Children & Family Services for Kenosha County. "We don't have the resources that you have at the newspaper to be out there every day checking her."

A part-time Journal Sentinel reporter initiated the newspaper's investigation seven months ago.

"If Kenosha County assigned one full-time person to look for fraud, it would surpass the manpower the newspaper has used to find it," said George Stanley, managing editor.

Yah, George, but that would require that some bureaucrat actually GIVES a rat's ass about tax money.


  1. Yah, George, but that would require that some bureaucrat actually GIVES a rat's ass about tax money.Yah,like Scott Walker, who still has to replace the best fraud worker in the country.

    He must be too busy twitting.

  2. "Replace"????

    You mean she's been canned? Or quit?

  3. Retired. He had more than six months to do something, but of course, didn't.

  4. The county had a fraud unit at one time.

    It had a supervisor and two fraud workers and a prosecutor (moi) and two detectives.

    The unit was disbanded several years ago.

    We made a lot of arrests and recovered a lot of $$. The governor (Jimbo) and legislature were not inclined to keep these programs going in any meaningful way.
