Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Obama/Pelosi/Reid "Close America" Act

It's called "ACES."

Pertinent questions:

Can I afford a $3,128 tax? Can I afford 60-144 percent increase in gas prices? Can I afford to have my job shipped overseas because my employer can’t afford to stay in business with a 77-128 percent increase in electricity prices? My guess is, the answers to all three are “no”...

--Cong. G. Radanovich, quoted in RedStates


  1. But Dad, it's that hopey/changey thingy. So don't be a bigot, and accept gummint help.

  2. I would not be against a higher motor fuel tax if it meant a better system of infrastructure. OUr current one stinks

  3. Current energy and economic policy will bring this country to ruin. I assure you this is not coincidental. At some point, "coincidence" starts becoming, "pattern".
