Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Gummint Health Care--Fatal

Not exactly news, or anything.

Patients admitted for emergency treatment at an NHS Trust were subjected to “shocking and appalling” care that included untrained receptionists carrying out medical checks and heart monitors being switched off, a report concluded today. The Healthcare Commission, the NHS standards watchdog, said that evidence suggested that as many as 400 deaths at Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust could have been prevented and may have been the result of poor care

That was in England. And the numbers are revised to "between 400 and 1200", by the way.

Here in the USA,

Over 11,000 veterans who received routine colonoscopies at three VA health centers are being warned to get blood tests for HIV, hepatitis, and other malignant viral infections in the wake of revelations that government-employed clinic staffers frequently neglected to sterilize the equipment between procedures

---some of those 'procedural gaps' go back as far as SIX YEARS.

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