Thursday, February 19, 2009

WI PublickScrewels Worser Thn U Thunk


Under the federal No Child Left Behind act, schools have to teach students well enough that a certain number reach certain scores on standard tests. The idea was that parents could then tell whether schools were actually doing a good job rather just having to trust administrators when they said they were. But, as the report notes, states get to “craft their own academic standards, select their own tests, and define proficiency in reading and math as they like; as a result, proficiency standards (which take the form of cut scores on state tests) vary widely in their rigor and consistency.”

Yah, so, hey? Net-net-net:

So what’s wrong with Wisconsin? You can read the full report here, but the short answer is, “The high number of schools making AYP in Wisconsin is likely due to the fact that Wisconsin’s proficiency standards are extremely easy compared to other states, plus it uses a proficiency index, which means it gives ‘partial credit’ to students performing below proficient.”

"Sally, what's 1+1?"

"Well, teacher, maybe 3?"

Good enough for Wisconsin's WEAC-dominated DPI.


  1. While in general, I favor NCLB, there are some flaws in it. the biggest s requiring, other than the most severey disabled, requiring special kids take the profiency exams.
    For instance, you have a learning disabled child, who functions at a 3rd grade level in math. They are required to take a regular profiency exam in math. That just doesn't make sense and it brings down the scores for the school/district. Or you have a kid with severe ADHD, requirin him to sit and take a test for 2 hours is impossible.
    So, read what you want into statistics, they are flawed.

  2. Frankly, I don't think it's the Fed's business at all...
