Sunday, February 22, 2009

Robber Barons? Call Them "Rent Seekers"

The Warrior highlights an analysis from FrontPage identifying the next wave of Robber Barons.

But they are called "rent seekers." Elegant, no?

...Alarmists have tried to induce the public to think that simply because the Arctic ice cap has shrunk on our watch, for example, then industrialized man must have caused it. The reason they do this is because they have been unable to prove their fundamental contention in the global warming debate - that manmade emissions of greenhouse gases drive global climate - despite the expenditure of tens of billions of dollars on climate research over the last 25 years

...First, we know from studies of Antarctic ice that, over the last 650,000 years or so, warmer temperatures have preceded increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels by hundreds, if not thousands of years. The ice studies indicate that the carbon-dioxide-causes-global warming theory is precisely backwards

Summarily, 'anthropogenic global warming' is a crock of crap--you know it, I know it, and the Members of Congress with an IQ above 42 know it, too.

Why doesn't the whole charade-and-parade stop?

When in doubt, go to Rule Number One: FOLLOW THE MONEY!!

...we’re in crushing jaws of global warming regulation thanks to big business and other rent-seekers, including Gore, who hope to profit from new laws.

Leading the lobbying charge on Capitol Hill is the U.S. Climate Action Partnership, a big business-environmental activist group coalition that is urging Congress to enact a so-called cap-and-trade bill...we’re in crushing jaws of global warming regulation thanks to big business and other rent-seekers, including Gore, who hope to profit from new laws.

...Under cap-and-trade, Congress would issue more than one trillion dollars worth of permits over the programs first ten years - so there’s a lot of money at stake. Who’s set to profit from all this?

Alcoa, Dow Chemical and Dupont...Exelon, Florida Power & Light, and NRG Energy...Goldman Sachs (which has more "plants" in the FedGov than the entire population of the City of Brookfield) ...General Electric...[and] the venture capital firm of Kleiner Perkins [in which AlGore holds a partnership.] Let's not forget "Boondoggle" Pickens, by the way.

By the way, many of those firms are perfectly happy with the "no more nukes" mantra of such slimeballs as Jim Doyle. You'll notice the effects of "cap-and-trade" in Wisconsin, which relies on CO2-emitting coal and gas plants for 2/3rds of its electricity.

By "notice", I mean that you will pay, dearly, to fire up the single 60-watt lightbulb you can afford to purchase after Doylie's tax increases go into effect.

1 comment:

  1. As more and more evidence surfaces telling us GW is not anthropogenic and may not be happening at all, the call becomes louder and more shrill to regulate, regulate, regulate.

    You are correct; follow the money.
