Wednesday, February 18, 2009

'Rasputin' Emanuel Has Tax Problem?

As they say, it's clear why Democrats like to raise taxes--they just don't pay them.

There could be tax troubles on the horizon for White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, who reportedly has lived rent-free in Washington for five years but hasn't paid taxes on the imputed income from that, according to reports.

According to the New York Post, the free rent in a home owned by Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn., and not disclosing that "gift" apparently isn't all that's being questioned about Emanuel's arrangements, either.

Another issue is "the work Emanuel tossed the way of DeLauro's husband, Democratic pollster Stan Greenberg."

Emanuel's explanation is a scream.

The report said Emanuel has explained the living arrangements as "hospitality" between colleagues, and that's why it never appeared on his financial-disclosure forms

FIVE YEARS of "hospitality"?

The paper suggests that the "hospitality" was worth about $20K/year in imputed (taxable) income.


  1. Love that Obama vetting process. Already on eof the most corrupt cabinet in history.
    Love to hear the liberals try to spin this one.

  2. They're going to make a democrat out of me when I can't afford to pay my increasing taxes for less services.
