Friday, February 27, 2009

The Left In Full Screech (Fact-Free Zone)

The screech-and-wail crowd once again demonstrates that calling names is its only trick.

One Wisconsin now says the appearance of Todd Berry, president of the Wisconsin Taxpayers Alliance, at an Americans for Prosperity rally is proof of the WTA's conservative, Republican-leaning bias.

...Berry, a former state Department of Revenue official, said in response:

"I will speak just about anywhere I am invited. I've spoken to WEAC and WMC, county Democratic and Republican parties, rural groups, urban groups... We receive donations or subscriptions from individuals, unions, including WEAC, local governments, state agencies, trade associations, firms and foundations. I'll go anywhere because our support comes from everywhere

Far more important, however, is this:

"I do find it interesting that our numerical analysis is never contradicted,"

....proving that to the Left (following its proclivities) appearances are far more meaningful than content.

1 comment:

  1. One Wisconsin now says the appearance of Todd Berry, president of the Wisconsin Taxpayers Alliance, at an Americans for Prosperity rally is proof of the WTA's conservative, Republican-leaning bias.
