Sunday, January 18, 2009

Meanwhile, In Ireland

The Archbishop of Dublin, a fellow named Diarmuid Martin, has cause quite a stir.

Interviewer: You can say yes or no to my question: do you think that people -- homosexual people -- who engage in homosexual sexual relations are engaged in an intrinsic moral evil?

Archbishop: I would not make a judgment, again, on ... on ... on ... on ... on individual people. I have no idea

That, my friends, is called "answering the UN-asked question."

This is the Catechism's response to the ASKED question:

...tradition has always declared that "homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered." They are contrary to the natural law...

And there is no question that such acts ARE serious sins--or intrinsically evil (assuming the usual: grave matter and which is also committed with full knowledge and deliberate consent.")

Finally, the Archbishop falls into a very popular trap. One judges ACTS, your Grace.

HT: Diogenes


  1. Yes, it just goes to show that political correctness (a la the homosexual lobbyists) is ubiquitous: "Thou shalt not criticize homosexuality". And the Ab. has apparently conflated 'tendency' 'inclination' and 'temptation' with acts.

    Which bears out the old Catechism's definition of Original Sin as: "A darkening of the mind, a weakening of the will and an inclination to evil"

    One would have expected an Ab. of the biggest archdiocese in Ireland to be aware of the definition and understand the difference between potency and act. Maybe he needs to re-read St. Thomas - assuming he ever read him in the first place.

    And how do you think our own Bp. Skilba would have responded...?

  2. Given that Abp Martin spent a number of years in the Vatican (Cong. for the Family, UN rep., etc.) it is particularly disappointing...

  3. I also wish this guy and other church officials like him would just come clean on the position of the organization. Skirting the issue isn't doing anyone any favors.

    I'm perfectly willing to accept that the church's answer to the question is "yes."

    I just think the church happens to be dead wrong. And when people hear their answer, many of them will absolutely know it to be wrong--and maybe begin to question whether these people and their organization have answers to anything at all.

  4. In your humble opinion, the Church is wrong.

    But we share ONE wish: speak clearly, Bishops!

  5. "Love the sinner, Hate the sin". It would have been that easy.

  6. I just think the church happens to be dead wrong.

    What's needed is not only the "what's" of Church teaching, but the "why's".

    Countless people - including many an atheist - have been swayed by clear, concise, and unvarnished truth.

    I wonder how your assessment would go over with SSA persons who live in accordance with religious doctrine and are satisfied with their lives, Scott.
