Friday, January 23, 2009

Just Because

This particular quote strikes a personal chord with me.

We are not baptized into the hierarchy; [we] do not receive the Cardinals sacramentally, [we] will not spend an eternity in the beatific vision of the pope. Christ is the point.

I, myself, admire the present pope, but even if I criticized him as harshly as some do, even if his successor proved to be as bad as some of those who have gone before, even if I find the Church, as I have to live with it, a pain in the neck, I should still say that nothing a pope (or a priest) could do or say would make me wish to leave the Church although I might well wish that they would leave. --Frank Sheed

He's right, of course.

HT: Happy


  1. I Do not understand the question

  2. I'm amazed that you think a question was posed.
