Friday, January 16, 2009

Church Teachings on Homosexuality

From CourageMan, some notes on a "Theo on Tap" session with Fr. Scalia. (If that name sounds familiar, it should...)

--"The Church does not have two different standards for chastity -- one for homosexuals and one for heterosexuals."

--"Notice that both these groups (gay activists and Fred Phelps) make the same error. They collapse the person into the sexual attractions. They believe that sexual attractions define the person. The Church's view of the person is much deeper and broader than that. That sexual attractions are an aspect of the human person, an aspect of human sexuality, but they do not define the person."

--"First [the Catechism talks about] homosexual acts, which the church teaches are 'intrinsically disordered' ... The church does not teach that persons are intrinsically disordered, it has never taught that. Second, the Catechism talks about homosexual attractions. Homosexual attractions the Catechism describes as 'objectively disordered.' They are not immoral in themselves ... feelings in and of themselves cannot be morally good or morally bad; they're simply feelings. They become morally charged when we act on them. But there are certain feelings lead us to the wrong things and certain feelings lead us to the right things."

--"This is one of the boldest paragraphs in the Catechism. It calls those with same-sex attractions to holiness, not just to physical continence -- it's not just saying, 'OK, you've just gotta control yourself and that's it.' No, 'you have a particular weakness, an attraction that is not right, but you're called to holiness.' And as is true for everyone, it is the struggle against our sinful inclinations that makes us holy. We don't become holy despite the struggle -- 'gosh, if I just got over my human weakness, then I could be holy.' No, it is by struggling with our human weakness and availing ourselves of every opportunity for God's grace that we become holy. And that's the Church's message to those with same-sex attractions."

Nicely compact, readable, and understandable, unlike legal opinions...


  1. Thanks, Dad29 ...

    And thanks too, anonymous for the usual high level of intellectual engagement I've come to expect from long experience of pro-gay types.

  2. Ain't that the truth, CM...

  3. A great example of speaking truth with love. Although it wasn't as succinct as the anon poster, it certainly was more charitable.
