Wednesday, December 17, 2008

We Call It "THEFT by Pig"

The Madistan Boyzzz steal more money:

Much criticism has surrounded the Wisconsin government's habit of raiding the Transportation Fund and the Patients Compensation Fund to cover gaps in the state budget rather than using them for their identified purposes.

But a less well-known fund also has come in handy at times — the Petroleum Inspection Fund

...The fee, now at 2 cents per gallon, is paid by such companies as Exxon Mobil, Citgo Petroleum, Marathon Ashland, Cenex Harvest and the U.S. Oil Co., but most of the costs are ultimately passed on to consumers at the gasoline pump or purchasers of other oil products

A state audit released in November found that in the 2007-08 fiscal year, the state collected $76.6 million in cleanup fees and used it to pay off $30.4 million in scheduled debt service and $16.8 million in PECFA claims.What happened to the rest of the money?

A total of $20.3 million was sent by the Legislature and the governor to the state Transportation Fund and $1 million went to the state's General Fund for operations

Just like the Medical Compensation Fund, and the Highway "Trust" Fund--Doylie and a compliant group of Legislative whores steal the money to lipstick the Pig.

Only question is 'exactly what IS the Pig'?--Doylie and the Leggies, or the "budget" fiction?

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