Friday, December 19, 2008

Cal Supremes: "Screw Good Samaritans!!"

While G W Bush gets the "Ass of the Year" award, SCOCA is a very close second.

The California Supreme Court ruled Thursday that a young woman who pulled a co-worker from a crashed vehicle isn't immune from civil liability because the care she rendered wasn't medical.

The divided high court appeared to signal that rescue efforts are the responsibility of trained professionals. It was also thought to be the first ruling by the court that someone who intervened in an accident in good faith could be sued.

(Quoted by Moonbattery)

We have nothing to add to Helsing's comment:

Next time you see someone unconscious in a crashed vehicle that might go up in flames, run away quick before you're seen. If you rescue them, they'll sue you. If you leave them to die, their estate will sue you.

What a wonderful world to be a lawyer in.

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