Monday, November 24, 2008

Obama's "Civil Rights": To Hell With the 1A

Evidently there are a lot of new "rights" which have to be made enforceable.

Citing what they call America’s “promise of equality,” the Obama administration plans to push for homosexual rights by including protections of sexual orientation, “gender identity” and “gender expression” as civil rights. His office proposes expanding hate crimes statues and the adoption rights of homosexuals while supporting full civil unions for “LGBT couples” to give them “legal rights and privileges equal to those of married couples.”

The proposals are announced under the Civil Rights section of their agenda presented at, the web site of the Obama campaign’s self-described “Office of the President-elect.”

It's interesting that the promises do not explicitly mention gay "marriage." "Civil unions" are already in existence (here in Milwaukee, for example.)

As to 'expanding hate crimes statutues,' this will be a feeeeeeelllllll-good infringement on the 1st Amendment, aimed specifically at religious folks--just as the "protections" of SO/GI/GE will be.

What fun!

HT: Caveman

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