Friday, October 24, 2008

Who's Attacking Sarah Palin?

Interesting theory here.

What needs to happen for Mitt Romney's 2012 presidential aspirations to remain viable?

Primarily, at least 2 things:

(1) McCain needs to lose, and
(2) Sarah Palin has to be seen as a political liability and therefore unelectable.

OK. "Healthcare" Romney, the Lefto-Wacky ex-Gov Massachusetts. Hmmmmm.

Given that, I wonder if it's only a coincidence that many (but certainly not all) of the elitist "conservatives" who have abandoned McCain in favor of "The One" - and who have thoroughly trashed Sarah Palin in the process in an order to paint her as responsible for a McCain loss (should that occur) - just so happen to be Romney supporters?

Specific mention is given to the By-Otch Queen Kathleen Parker and Bill Weld, another massive Mass. failure.

Dunno, and don't care, what Noonan thought of Romney, by the way.


  1. Of course, had McCain selected Romney for his running mate, he might well be winning now based on the strength of Romney's economic credentials.

  2. I doubt it.

    McCain's problem is that he's mid-ships.

    Romney's more of the same.

    What would THAT get McCain? Lefties?

  3. I'd be voting for Barr if McCain had picked Romney, or Ridge, or Lieberman... He had to pick a conservative - because he isn't one.

  4. Of course, had McCain selected Romney for his running mate, he might well be winning now based on the strength of Romney's economic credentials.

    Yes, there's no doubt Romney's economic credentials would have given McCain a huge boost during this crisis.

    Why, the Maverick would have been able to climb all the way up to...a few points short of where he is now.
