Friday, September 26, 2008

Rome's New Cong. for Worship

Not only did B-16 bring on three new consultors--all true-blue men who understand liturgy very well; he also made another (less known) move:

... Also relevant to the appointments is the fact that all former consultants, appointed when Archbishop Piero Marini led the office of Liturgical Celebrations, have been dismissed since their appointments were not renewed

That's what's called the 'neutron bomb,' folks. The building stands, but no one's left inside. Rembert Weakland has no more pals at CDW.

Who are the new guys?

The new consultants include Monsignor Nicola Bux [and] includes Fr. Mauro Gagliardi, an expert in dogmatic theology and professor at the Legionaries of Christ's Pontifical Athenaeum “Regina Apostolorum;” Opus Dei Spanish priest Juan José Silvestre Valor, professor at the Pontifical University of Santa Croce in Rome; Fr. Uwe Michael Lang, C.O., an official of the Congregation for the Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments and author of the book Turning Towards the Lord -- about the importance of facing ad orientem during Mass; and Fr. Paul C.F. Gunter, a Benedictine professor at the Pontifical Athenaeum Sant Anselmo in Rome and member of the editorial board of the forthcoming Usus Antiquior, a quarterly journal dedicated to the liturgy under the auspices of the Society of St. Catherine of Siena

So what?

Here's what:

...Among the changes mentioned was the sign of peace, which could be moved, it was said, from its present position to the time between the Prayer of the Faithful and the Offertory. In fact, Pope Benedict had already indicated in Sacramentum Caritatis that he would let the CDW study this possibility. We now have confirmation that this is actually happening,

The New Rite (Ordinary Form) will undergo some long-needed surgery. And most likely this will only be the first of many changes.

That's what.


  1. This move of the sign of peace would be very good. The proposed location is where the Pax is located in the Anglican Use Liturgy in the Book of Divine Worship (where the order is: Sermon, Creed, Prayers of the Faithful, Penitential Rite, Peace, Offertory). The priest offers the peace to the people. The invitation to share the peace among the congregation is optional, but when done is far more appropriate...having made peace with God, we make peace with each other, then begin the sacrifice.

  2. Having only become a Catholic in 2004, I felt that the position of the peace in the liturgy was odd. To me, it makes much more sense to place it between the Penitential Rite and the Offertory, which creates a building momentum toward the Eucharist. I hope the change comes soon.

  3. Well, my solution, is if we're going to have the Peace offered in the congregation it should be moved to the offeratory...but if it's going to be between the clergy, then it should stay where it is.
