Saturday, September 06, 2008

DOT: More Money; Drivers Ignore Signs

When WisDOT approved the design for Bluemound Road back 10+ years ago, developers built a lot of stores and offices. The road built up quite a volume of traffic. Accidents happened.

So WisDOT came up with NEW designs. They simply made it impossible to exit the strip-malls and offices and turn left.

Oh. Yah. THAT works.

Today I was one of 6 drivers (maybe more, who counts?) who played the WisDOT right-turn game until the first available stoplight--and then made a U-turn at the stoplight on the 'left-turn' signal.

By the way, the WisDOT master-plan worked. Traffic is noticeably light in the retail stores along Bluemound Road.

Who knows how much money WisDOT spent to: 1) make drivers into frustrated lawbreakers; AND 2) put the shiv into the backs of the merchants on Bluemound?

Who cares? Not WisDOT.

1 comment:

  1. Appartently the plan is to completely re do Bluemound Rd in the next five years. This time, they want to put in frontage roads everywhere.

    My question is simply this:

    Where are you going to put in frontage roads?
