Sunday, August 24, 2008

Fun Today in Eagle

The annual pilgrimage to McMiller happens today.

Some daughters will learn a bit more about safely using deadly weapons.

Papers will be punched; brass will be stowed in the cans.

Shoulders may ache a bit if they don't snug up that .30-06.

The smell of gunpowder in the AM, and PM!!

UPDATE: Wow, that place was busy. Must have been 150 shooters out there all day--space was tight on the 100 yard and 50 yard ranges.

Girls did OK. They're acclimated to the .357 6 gun and the 9mm semi now, and all save one have fired the .30-06 without permanent shoulder damage.

About 500 rounds fired, mostly .22LR. A good day altogether.


  1. Lucky.

    I'm still not 100% enough for mass.

    Have a great time!

  2. Sounds like a fine time.
