Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Biden Perverts "Catholic", Too

...and he provides irony along the way. From today's Christian Science Monitor:

"The animating principle of my faith, as taught to me by church and home, was that the cardinal sin was abuse of power," he said in an interview with the Monitor. "It was not only required as a good Catholic to abhor and avoid abuse of power, but to do something to end that abuse."

So, which scenario is the unborn child more powerful?

....Aaahhh. Nevermind.


"My views are totally consistent with Catholic social doctrine," says Biden, a six-term Democratic senator from Delaware.

Oh, yah. "Catholic social doctrine" actually begins in the womb, Joe.

You lying sack.

HT: Ignatius


  1. "My views are totally consistent with Catholic social doctrine," says Biden, a six-term Democratic senator from Delaware.

    Good gracious. Did he say that with a straight face?

  2. I'm not sure he's a lying sack as much as he's an ignorant sack.

    Either way, I can't be quite merciful.
