Monday, July 28, 2008

Trail Lawyers: Greed Unbound

One of the bills which the Trial Lawyers will be pushing in Congress will:

...broaden the definition of “disability,” increasing the opportunities to sue for denial of disability benefits or privileges to cover “any [emphasis added] physiological disorder or condition” or “any … emotional or mental illness.” A “disability” could also be claimed merely for “being perceived or treated as having a physical or mental impairment whether or not the individual has an impairment.” In other words, people could sue for disability protections even if they are not actually disabled.

Just to let you know that a Democrat Congress is harmful in more ways than "taxes."

HT: Overlawyered

1 comment:

  1. So, does that mean I can now sue the travel lawyers because of “being perceived or treated as having a physical or mental impairment whether or not the individual has an impairment” by them so they can use me in a class action suit.
