Thursday, July 24, 2008

Obama: Gaffe After Gaffe After....

Here's a new one to add to the pile, after '57 States', 'Civilian Security Corps', '10,000 Died in Kansas Tornadoes', 'Arkansas is nearby Kentucky', ....

Speaking in Israel, Obama says:

Now, in terms of knowing my commitments, you don't have to just look at my words, you can look at my deeds. Just this past week, we passed out of the U.S. Senate Banking Committee, which is my committee, a bill to call for divestment from Iran, as a way of ratcheting up the pressure to ensure that they don't obtain a nuclear weapon.


Here's the Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs committee roster:

Umnnhhhh.....lemmeessee, heah, ahhhh....Dodd, Menendez, Schumer, Reed, Akaka.......

Well, maybe he's listed as a Republican?

Shelby, Enzi, Dole.......

Not there either.

Obviously, the Teleprompter broke.

HT: PowerLine


  1. You may not be a Bush sychophant, but you certainly are a Republican one. From an anthropological standpoint it might be interesting to determine when you decided to go tribal here. But hey, it's your blog.

  2. Your license to practice psychology will be revoked.

    Noting The O-and-Savior's idiotic comments (and outright lies) is relegated to bloggers b/c the MSM doesn't do it.

    As to "Republican," you should ask the two RNC/RSCC chipmunks who called here in the last 2 days looking for money. They would set you straight.

    I'm not a Republican. I am a Conservative.

    And pointing out Obama crap is a sideline--but it keeps me busy.

  3. Well, especially in light of this story, highlighting McCain’s gaffes and alluding to the fact his advanced age has something to do with the verbal slips he makes.

    Which I guess would mean if McCain slips up because he’s old, O-messiah slips up because he’s…stupid? Overly arrogant?

  4. It's almost like he lies and he doesn't even care. No one will call him out, especially the press, but my goodness, his "mistakes" just in the past couple of weeks, shows he is a liar, not a very good speaker, not very smart, very egotistical and the many of the American people say "I don't care."

  5. Seems Obama has a Gore problem. No problem with lying to pad his experience since he has so little. Though Gore had a propensity to lie for no reason whatsoever.
