Friday, June 13, 2008

Lead Us Not Into Temptation

Every time Bp. Sklba publishes a column, it is difficult to resist....

But this was pointed out by Diogenes, so it's just copying.

Our Bishop, today:

It remains open to the judgment of the authorities in the church in order to offer assurance that a translation remains truly faithful to the original inspired text of the Bible. To help guide the understanding of individual readers, the Catholic Church insists that some explanatory notes be provided with every published translation. That is yet another way in which the Bible remains the Book of the Church

Bp. Sklba, only 12 years ago:

Sklba said the Vatican's intervention to override lectionary translations developed by U.S. Catholic scripture scholars and adopted by U.S. bishops in 1991 represented "a serious affront to our Catholic scholarly community" and "a human relations problem ... of major proportions. Criteria were approved by this body, and suddenly the rules changed," he said

The Bishop has undergone metanoia, I'm sure. He now recognizes that Church authorities actually have....ahhhhh......authority!

What the Bishop REALLY objects to is this:

There are times when I receive local announcements of forthcoming conferences in the archdiocese, each listing the speakers invited to expound various biblical themes associated with the topic and directed to the targeted audience of that gathering

...A closer look at the bios reveals that the speakers may indeed be converts from some other Christian tradition. Subsequent reports after the conference suggest that the presenters haven't always fully absorbed the Catholic approach to the Scriptures at all. I even hear tell of speakers who exhort their (male) audience to reclaim headship of the house over their wives, and I am troubled by such messages because those interpretations often arise out of a literalistic approach to the New Testament and its teachings.

Let's have none of that St. Paul stuff around here! After all, men might actually be MEN, and that would put a lot of Milwaukee clerics to shame.


  1. "Yeah! We worship the Fightin' Jesus around here!"

  2. Yeah, Jesus in the temple with the money changers, or Jesus who told His disciples that they'd be persecuted for following Him.

    Jesus was no dummy, nor was He androgynous.

    My husband is the head of the household, just as Christ is the Head of the Church.

    Exactly how as 40-plus years of attempting to neuter men has created a better society, John? Perhaps it's time we return to recognizing that men and women - while both worthy of respect - are not identical in any way, shape, or form.

  3. The term 'headship' is very carefully placed in a longer section analogizing that 'headship' to the 'headship' of Xt., who (after all) gave His life for that of His spouse, the Church.

    Maybe Bp. Sklba doesn't think that we are able to understand that. He might be a Trautman-ite.

  4. It's "Trautperson-ite".....Trautman-ite is not inclusive enough.
