Wednesday, June 25, 2008

"Im Here from the Government to Help You"

Here's the Obama version of parenthood in the USA.

Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, has proposed what he calls his "Zero to Five" plan. It is a collection of programs aimed at getting the government involved in the raising of your children from the moment they are born.

"The first part of my plan focuses on providing quality affordable early childhood education to every child in America," Obama said in a November speech. "As president, I will launch a Children's First Agenda that provides care, learning and support to families with children ages zero to five."

Sure hope you have the chance to say hello to your baby before the Gummint workers haul him or her out the door...

1 comment:

  1. From someone who thinks it's a right to kill your newborn child after a botched abortion, I have a hard time believing anything Obama does "for the children" is genuine...
