Monday, June 30, 2008

Flaws in Catechesis?

I had to read this twice to make sure ...

A telephone survey of 1,201 American adults, conducted in April 2008, revealed that 48 percent of all Americans believe homosexual behavior is sinful, while 45 percent believe it is not sinful, almost a statistical tie when considering the margin of error.

The percentage is slightly different when the respondent indicates he or she knows someone with same-sex attraction; 49 percent indicating it is not sinful. Among those who have a religious affiliation, 55 percent of Catholics and 31 percent of Protestants said they do not believe homosexual behavior is sinful.

Yah, the operative term is "behavior," not "orientation."

Frankly, that's shocking, although it comports with other studies which show a similarly shocking ignorance of elementary Eucharistic theo and the reality of 25-30% weekly Mass attendance.

Look, folks, we're dealing with the salvation of souls. S'pose a series of homilies on the Big 10 might be in order?

HT: Ignatius

UPDATE 7/1: Apparently the "Catholics" are self-defined as such--therefore, the reliability of the readings is very suspect. HT: Chironomo


  1. Actually, I suspect ignorance of "elementary Eucharistic theo", etc., has little to do with it. I suspect that you could find a correlation between those who don't view homosexuality as being bad, and those who have actually had interaction with homosexual people--especially friends and family. That is, they've found that the official line from the Church is a load of crap.

  2. That is, they've found that the official line from the Church is a load of crap.

    Do you know what the official line from the Church is, emily?

    Your comment tells me otherwise.

    Being homosexual - a/k/a having "same sex attraction" - is not bad or sinful anymore than being heterosexual is sinful.

    However, all persons are called to live chastely except in the confines of a valid marriage (one man, one woman) and for the purpose of being open to new life. Anytime that calling is violated - be it heterosexual or otherwise - it is sin and, therefore, wrong.

    Even if every person in the world thought it "okay", it doesn't make it right.

    As Dad29 says, we're dealing with the salvation of souls and - in the fullness of time - when it's realized the Church is Truth and not a "load of crap", then talk to me.

    Otherwise, a more respectful tone would be appreciated from those who don't even bother to understand Catholic teaching.

  3. I'll second Amy's sentiments, emily.

    I happen to know a lot of homosexuals--male and female. I get along with them just fine, regardless of their orientation.

    But 'homosexual ACTIVITY' is not the same as homosexual orientation.

    By the way, you're right in guessing that Eucharistic theo has little to do with this issue (directly, anyway.)

    My point was that RC catechesis in general is pretty sad.

  4. I believe it was the same study that found 22% of atheists believed in God.

  5. Think they were too afraid to ask about whether all those folks were living their lives chastely except for the rare opportunity for unprotected intercourse?

  6. Seven times?

    No. Seven times seventy.

  7. S'pose a series of homilies on the Big 10 might be in order?"

    I have felt for a long time that there should be more catechesis in homilies, rather than just trying to "link the homily to the Readings".

    As many (priests, too) have pointed out, the Post-Vatican II tying of the homily to the Readings has not worked! Many (most?) clergy don't do it well and it has a restrictive hold on the theme of the homily. It also has a sola Scriptura flavor to it - making us seem more Protestant than Catholic and creating a dichotomy between Tradition/Church Teaching and Scripture.

    Thus, Church teachings such as those on homosexuality, divorce and contraception are challenged as not being "in the Bible", are viewed as just 'Church rules' and subject to change or 'interpretation'.

    Theologians, parochial clergy and some episcopal conferences have a lot to answer for in the watering down of Catholic Doctrine these past 40 years.
