Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Grace of a Happy Death

If you know the meaning of that phrase, you're Catholic--perhaps Orthodox.

I was delighted to learn today that someone close to this family had visited with a priest several times last week, and was able to make a Confession.

We had prayed for precisely that--a reconciliation with the Church--and were granted our request.

So the cancer will progress (now liver, bones, and brain) and the morphine drip will likely cause coma soon.

But a happy death was granted, gratias a Deo.


  1. Reconciliation is wonderful whenever it occurs!

  2. May mercy and peace shine upon them.

  3. ...or as we used to put it years ago in Ireland: "The grace of Final Perseverance"

    Deo Gratias indeed, Dad!

    And a timely reminder during Lent - though for those of us 'getting up in years' something we should have before us constantly...
