Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Did "Yoo Hoo, Abp. Dolan" Work?

You be the judge. (Search "Yoo Hoo" on this blog for 4 titles on the topic.)

Here's a 2/25/08 letter from the Wisconsin Catholic Conference regarding AB377 (the "rape/emergency contraception" bill).

"...Since we initially took our position of neutrality, we have never wanted to yield on any of three commitments: 1) compassionate care for women who suffer the tragedy of rape, 2) compassion toward a child, a unique human being with unique DNA, who might have been conceived as a result of that rape and, 3) compassionate concern for all who might be involved in making decisions about emergency contraception, especially our physicians and healthcare workers – their consciences in this matter must be protected. ... Emergency contraception can, at times, amount to abortion, and both reason and our faith tell us that this is never acceptable. About this we must be very clear."

...Construing our initial position of neutrality to be virtually one of support for the passage of this bill could not be farther from the truth ...

...At this important moment we also want to pledge our prayerful support to physicians and health care workers, with the promise that we will stand strongly beside them in the future should the effects of emergency contraception legislation ever threaten the freedom of conscience which belongs to every human person as foundational to his or her religious liberty.

One could construe this as a monitum to the Legislature that the Bishops do NOT support the Bill as currently written (with the elimination of the 'conscience clause' that the Democrats forced through.)

AND that the Bishops will support any legal actions which may arise, on the side of those whose conscience is violated.


HT: The Provincial Emails

1 comment:

  1. This is a relief! Glad to see his name on this. Maybe your yoohoo helped ...although there does not appear to be a waffle here so maybe they were just slow to get it out
