Friday, February 15, 2008

Can the Hildebeeste Win?

You bet she can win.

Remember the "superdelegates," who are (largely) elected Democrat officials at all levels.

Focus your attention on elected Congressional Democrats who have been in office since, say, 1986.

Now remember that the Hildebeeste has the FBI files on all of them.

"Will of the people" or no, those delegates may, mysteriously, turn to Hildebeeste....


  1. That's very, very paranoid. Are you absolutely certain that those files were somehow spirited out of FBI HQ? Or are you just casting aspersions and hoping someone picks up on that?

  2. Either way, I pray she gets the nomination. The GOP will steam roll her in the general. Im a Wisconsin citizen, too... are you voting for her on Tuesday? We really need to get a campaign running to have all us conservatives vote for her. I'm afraid Barak Hussein Obama will win over McCain in November.

  3. That's the spirt red.

    Democracy at work, make sure the will of the people is heard.

    You should be ashamed.

  4. 3Way--occasionally, we have juvenile delinquents post here...

    Trust me, I'm voting in the (R) primary, for Fred Thompson.

    Screw all the rest.

  5. There's no question that HRC has those files.

    The only question is when she will use them.

  6. No question, huh?

    Microfiche or hard-copy? Or just printed on tinfoil gum wrappers?

  7. As I recall, the American Association of Atomic Scientists ( had an extensive set of papers on National Security and Intelligence, culled from the unclassified documents of the FBI, CIA and other alphabet soups. One set of those papers discussed the "Papergate" of Bill Clinton, in which both Bill and Hillary were implicated in the illegal use of FBI files of a large number of Senators and Congresscritters, both Democratic and Republican. Considering the fact that one of those investigated included Rudy Giuliani, and damaging "disclosures" as regards his personal life were made during his Senate contest with Hillary, it does not take a Sherlock Holmes to connect the dots, to determine whether Hillary had or has access to confidential FBI files, or whether she would use them to advance her own agenda.
