Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Prayers Requested

For Fr. Len VanVlaenderen, pictured above.


  1. Isn't this just so sad? I try to remember to pray for those who are addicted.

  2. Addiction is a terible affliction and I hope Fr. VanVlaenderen gets the help he needs.

  3. I knew Fr. Len from his first assignment at St. Aloysius in WEst Allis. My prayers are with him.

  4. Maybe I am missing something, the link provided no information about this guy.

  5. Dan, the story moved, so there's a new link in the post.

  6. I'm curious to know more. Is the guy an otherwise good priest? How is the parish holding up? Any comments from ++Dolan or the Vicar for Priests?

    (Sorry to sound like I am prying, but your blog is one of the ways I keep in touch with the hometown Church since I've been away.)

  7. If he's guilty, I have limited sympathy for him.

    The first problem with drug users -- and the one we so often forget -- is that without customers there would be no sellers.

    The second is that their actions are criminal. Just because he hadn't been caught in the past does not erase that fact.

    Yes, I can feel sorry for someone who tossed their life in the toilet but like any drug user it was this idiot's choice to go down that path. He is now responsible for his own mess.

    He should be held accountable and sternly.
