Thursday, December 20, 2007

Bp Morlino: 'We Were Double-Crossed'

P-Mac highlighted a letter from Bp. Morlino, the Catholic Bishop of Madison, which objects to AB377 (as currently proposed.)

We expected that the Wisconsin Catholic Conference (a lobbying/policy creature of the Wisconsin Catholic Bishops) would be unhappy with AB377's provisions which seem to create an opportunity for abortion, despite the ostensible purpose of the bill--which is to help rape victims avoid conception through administering "Plan B" to rape victims.

However, the WCC remained "neutral" on the bill. Based on the science, some Catholic doctors and ethicists objected to the bill in toto; and I thought that the WCC should have done the same thing. WCC did NOT object--and as it turns out, they were also double-crossed by the Legislature.

Now Bishop Morlino calls a spade a spade.

The hoped-for effect of the Wisconsin Catholic Conference’s earlier stance of neutrality on this bill was to protect women who are the victims of rape, while also protecting the possible pre-born human being, by affirming the necessary conscience exemption for institutions and individuals with regard to the appropriate testing, so as to avoid abortifacient emergency
contraception. It is my judgment as Bishop of Madison that the earlier position of neutrality did not have its hoped for effect, and so it is now moot, and this neutrality position has now expired. Our conference’s neutrality stance has also unintentionally provoked scandal among Catholics who have been persuaded by statements in the media that we are becoming less fervent in our defense of the dignity of pre-born human life

It is clear that the Assembly, in rejecting explicit conscience exemption language in this AB 377, is opening the door to the coercion of consciences by the state. As the Wisconsin Catholic Conference, we had been advised that there would be statutory protection of conscience exemption from another statute. If this were assured, there would be no reason why the Assembly would have rejected conscience exemption protection for the reasons they gave. Therefore, I am firmly convinced that our conscience exemption protection is threatened by the approach in the legislation presently being considered. 3) It is clear that Planned Parenthood,
NARAL, and their colleagues are more interested in promoting a state-supported, contraceptive ideology than they are in simply, reasonably, protecting women.

In other words, the WCC was double-crossed by the Legislature. As a professional cynic, my only response is "Doh!"

Now here is a most curious comment from the Bishop's letter:

I might add that Bishop Jerome Listecki of LaCrosse finds himself completely in accord with the sentiments that I have expressed

Which leaves the question: where was the Ordinary of Milwaukee? Marquette?

The Bill has serious constitutional issues as written; it is blatantly pro-abortion; and those who re-wrote it to eliminate the "conscience" clause are scumbags, at best.

1 comment:

    As an addition to your post, two of the three so-called "pro-life" Republican politicians who voted for the pro-death, anti-Catholic AB377 and SB129, are going to be at a Social Justice(?) forum at St. Patrick's in Hudson. To add insult to injury, pro-death partial-birth infanticide promoters Kohl, Feingold and Kind are also represented. Do what what you can to stop this scandal!

    CATHOLIC CHURCH in Hudson, Wisconsin, Diocese of Superior, to host FIVE pro-abortion politicians for Social Justice(?) forum, February 23, 2008. St. Patrick's Catholic Church, Hudson, Wisconsin, Social Justice Conference "Healthcare 2008--Addressing Disparity Through Policy, Programs and Individual Actions."

    Hudson Star Observer article Invited politicians and/or representatives: U.S. Senators Kohl, Feingold; U.S. Rep. Ron Kind; Wisc. Senator Sheila Harsdorf; Wisc. Rep. Kitty Rhoades (voting records listed below). The Wisconsin State Assembly has passed legislation mandating that all Wisconsin hospitals, including religiously-affiliated hospitals, must inform any self-described victim of sexual assault of “emergency contraception” and must provide it upon her request. Two of the five pro-death politicians invited to this forum, Wisconsin Sen. Harsdorf and Wisconsin Rep. Rhoades (a Catholic and parishioner of St. Patrick's), voted pro-abortion, anti-Catholic, on this bill. The other U.S. representatives, U.S. Senators Kohl and Feingold, are both pro-death, both voting for partial-birth infanticide; U.S. Rep. Ron Kind, pro-death and voted for partial-birth infanticide.

    Please respectfully e-mail or call Fr. Parr (pastor, St. Patrick's) and Bishop Christensen and ask them to uphold the USCCB statement that states: "the Catholic community and Catholic institutions" should not honor those "who act in defiance of our fundamental moral principles" with awards, honors, or "platforms which would suggest support for their actions." …

    Contact Father John Parr at: 715-381-5120x102; e-mail:
    Contact Bishop Christensen, Diocese of Superior, at: 715-392-2937x105, e-mail: Pat Wildenberg at

    Please click here for much more information, documentation and history: Catholicism: One True Faith

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