Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Rome to Seminaries: Teach the Old Rite

Makes sense to me.

According to Italian news agency Adnkronos, the Pontifical Commission "Ecclesia Dei" will soon publish an order addressed to seminaries "in which it is required that the celebration of the Latin Mass be taught to future priests":

"According to what has been learned from authoritative sources, the dicastery presided by Cardinal Darío Castrillón Hoyos (among the main supporters of the return of the Mass according to the pre-Conciliar rite) would be considering a circular addressed to seminarians which, in practice, is aimed directly to those bishops who [are] 'disobeying' the Pope's motu proprio (...)."

It is not entirely clear from the report if the order will be an exclusive document or if it will be part of the general document of clarification of the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum which will be published shortly (according to several news agencies and sources).

Would be nice if priests in Milwaukee were taught how to celebrate the NEW Rite, as well. You know, using radical concepts like "Say the black, do the red."

HT: CustosFidei

1 comment:

  1. Like many others, I believe the Holy Father had multiple objectives in promulgating the Motu Proprio. Key among them is that its wider use will 'inform' the Novus Ordo - affecting how priests celebrate the Novus Ordo Mass and how the congregation participates in it.

    He really laid it all out in his book The Spirit of the Liturgy when he was still a Cardinal. Now as Pope, he has an opportunity to put it into effect, but it will be an uphill battle as we see from the reactions of assorted bishops and Cardinals.

    But we shouldn't underestimate the Holy Spirit...
